Wear point forecasts

The wear point of batteries is defined as the point at which the battery is no longer able to provide the capacity and performance required for its specific function. This means that there is no specific value at which a battery is universally considered worn out, but it is always necessary to take into account the context in which the battery is used.

For companies that care about the efficient and safe use of their batteries, it is advisable to set individual standards for the parameters that batteries must meet in order to be considered worn or still usable. If you would like to use NOVUM’s AI-based battery diagnostics or our battery storage monitoring, we would be happy to advise you on this topic.

Particularly practical: Based on the data collected, we can not only analyze the current condition of your batteries, but also predict how long your batteries will still be usable if you continue to use them as before. We will also be happy to advise you on how you can extend the service life of your batteries through careful use and reuse them in a second or even third life.

When is a battery considered worn out?

The course for the longevity of batteries is already set during production. The purity of the materials, the production conditions, such as the humidity or the formation at the end of the process, but also the homogeneity of the battery cells have an effect on when the wear point is reached at which the battery no longer fulfills its tasks or even becomes a danger to your employees and your company.

How you use the battery is also crucial. The type of use, including charging cycles, depth of discharge, temperature conditions and charging speed, has a significant impact on the service life of batteries, as extreme conditions and frequent, deep discharges lead to faster wear.

As a company, it is your responsibility to define clear rules for when you use the batteries to ensure that devices and vehicles function reliably and that there are no production stoppages or other incidents. These requirements should be presented clearly, concisely and comprehensibly and be available and known at all times to all persons who make practical decisions regarding the use of batteries in your company.

You can use the following parameters to define the wear point:

  • State of Health (SoH)

A very common definition of the wear point is the loss of a certain percentage of the battery’s original capacity. For example, a loss of 20% to 30% of the original capacity is often considered a wear point. So if a battery originally has a capacity of 1000 mAh, it is considered worn out when its capacity drops to 700–800 mAh.

It is important to know that although the state of health drops slowly at the beginning, it suddenly drops rapidly from a tipping point of around 80 percent capacity. Many companies then discard batteries.

With our AI-based technology, we enable you to continue using these valuable, still functional batteries. The prerequisite is to adopt a gentle mode of use and to monitor the battery around the clock wherever possible.

  • Charging cycles

The data sheet of many batteries contains a maximum number of charging cycles that they can go through. Similar to the expiration date of food, this value is a guideline that indicates the number of cycles up to which a battery can still function. Many batteries can still be used far beyond this point. It is also very difficult to count charge cycles correctly, as batteries are rarely fully charged and discharged. So please do not rely on this figure, but subject your batteries to regular maintenance or, at best, 24/7 monitoring.

  • Self-discharge rate

With increasing wear, the rate of self-discharge of a battery can also increase. This means that the battery loses energy without being used. Here too, you should determine up to what level a battery is still acceptable for your purposes. Our battery experts will be happy to advise you.

  • Internal resistance

The internal resistance of a battery increases with increasing wear. This is problematic because a higher internal resistance leads to lower efficiency and, above all, higher heat generation during operation. If the internal resistance exceeds a certain value, this can serve as an indicator of the wear point. In the context of our battery diagnostics, we measure the internal resistance at various points in the battery in order to obtain more reliable and accurate data than with a standard internal resistance measurement.

  • Voltage drop

If the voltage of the battery drops sharply under normal operating conditions, this may be a sign that it can no longer hold a sufficient charge. With the help of our stationary and mobile test systems, your employees can carry out AI-based battery diagnostics independently in this case to prevent breakdowns or more serious problems.

  • Obvious defects

Please be aware of the risks posed by batteries that show obvious signs of physical degradation, particularly batteries that are bumped, rusted, bloated, leaking fluids or hot to the touch. A single burning or exploding battery can trigger a chain reaction and cause entire warehouses or even businesses to burn down. Every year there are such cases here in Germany — which can often be traced back to people not knowing or simply not complying with the necessary safety standards.

What to do when batteries reach their wear point?

When a battery is finally worn out, it must be disposed of properly. Manufacturers in Germany are obliged to take back batteries. Certain recycling companies specialize in batteries. You may even receive money for your worn-out batteries due to their valuable and rare components. However, it is always more profitable to use batteries for as long as possible.

To avoid risks, you should subject the battery to an AI-based battery diagnosis if wear is suspected. Used batteries are always considered dangerous goods. So if you want to take the batteries to the manufacturer or a recycler, you must take appropriate safety precautions during transportation. Here, too, there are specialized logistics companies that can help you if necessary.

In some cases, the wear point can also be defined for safety reasons. If a battery begins to show signs of physical degradation, such as swelling, leakage or overheating, or if safety risks are indicated in the NOVUM AI monitoring, it should be taken out of operation.