More than words and pictures: Interview with our communications expert Anne

Effective communication is undoubtedly an art and the core element of every successful interaction — whether between companies and customers or within a team. If anyone knows how to understand and use the power of words and images, it’s our communications expert Anne. In this interview, she tells us more about her multifaceted role at […]

This is Ulrich: Our specialist for embedded software

How do we at NOVUM ensure that we achieve high-quality measurements? And what characterizes a high-quality measurement? Our embedded software engineer and team leader Ulrich answers these and other exciting questions about his work at NOVUM. You make embedded software. What is that? This is a type of computer software. It forms the interface between […]

Meet René: Our Hardware Virtuoso

Circuit diagrams, circuit boards, soldering irons, CAD and prototyping: the world of hardware development is diverse and complex. René Bremer knows his way around. He has been building measurement technology for various applications for 20 years. In this interview, NOVUMS hardware developer gives us an insight into his work. What do you do at NOVUM? […]


We recharge your batteries with Christmas cookies! Bye bye 2023! Hello Christmas time! While the NOVUM AI continues to hold the fort, we are looking forward to relaxing days with our favorite people, walks in nature and, of course, lots of chocolate. The NOVUM team has come up with something very special this year so […]