More than words and pictures: Interview with our communications expert Anne

Effective communication is undoubtedly an art and the core element of every successful interaction — whether between companies and customers or within a team. If anyone knows how to understand and use the power of words and images, it’s our communications expert Anne. In this interview, she tells us more about her multifaceted role at NOVUM, her personal experiences and future plans.

You are Head of Marketing and Communication at NOVUM. What tasks are you dealing with?

My most important task is to use various channels such as the website, press releases and social media to communicate clearly what makes our technology special and why companies should definitely work with us. We are still a relatively small team at NOVUM at the moment, so a lot of the creative tasks lie with me personally. I write texts, conduct interviews, take photos and am the interface for external service providers and journalists. I also perform tasks in the area of internal communication. I am currently preparing our internal newsletter, for example.

Why do we need corporate communications?

The best product is useless if nobody knows about it. Many start-ups fail because the founders are in love with their ideas but do not succeed sufficiently in adopting the perspective of their target group. Through corporate communication, we build a bridge here and pick up our potential customers where they are. However, it is not enough to simply “inform” decision-makers. We also need to get people excited about us. An emotional appeal and tools such as storytelling are therefore absolutely essential for a company like NOVUM.

Another important aspect is internal communication. At NOVUM in particular, we realize every day that our bright minds are the most important thing we have. By consciously shaping our internal communication, we ensure that everyone feels comfortable and pulls in the same direction.

You designed the entire NOVUM website. How did you go about it?

When I started working at NOVUM, my biggest challenge was to understand NOVUM’s technology and the company itself to the extent that I could develop a meaningful structure for the website. When this was finalized, I wrote the texts and took the photos. Our external graphic designer Jule Grass took care of the website design.

What are the most relevant factors that you take into account when planning communication measures?

The decisive factor is which current reports, changes or even problems exist in other areas of our company and which long-term communication issues need to be addressed. In addition, the wishes of our management must also be taken into account during planning. I only work 20 hours a week at NOVUM and am also self-employed as a content writer and photographer. The time factor therefore also plays an important role, so I have to set clear priorities.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a career in corporate communications?

Corporate communications is incredibly diverse. It makes a huge difference whether you work in a startup or a corporation and what exactly your area of responsibility is. I would always recommend gaining practical experience early on and then focusing on an area that you find easy and enjoy.

What skills and qualities are crucial for success in this field?

I believe that a good mix of creativity and rationality is the key. Artistic talent alone is not enough. You have to penetrate topics and then get to the point quickly.

You are leaving NOVUM in the summer to work full-time as a freelance content writer and photographer again. How did this come about?

I’ve actually been working as a freelance content writer and photographer for over 10 years. When I became a mom to a little boy five years ago and then the coronavirus crisis hit, I was grateful to also have a part-time job — first at a university and then here at NOVUM. The situation has now stabilized. I receive numerous requests as a content writer and photographer and would therefore like to stand on my own two feet again.


Melanie Loos

Head of Communications

+49 (0) 351 475 911 50