More power for battery operators: LEAG energy cubes expand their range with NOVUM technology

All-in-one solution for optimized battery monitoring and increased market opportunities.

To improve the market opportunities of battery storage operators and make an innovative contribution to greater sustainability and security in the energy market, LEAG energy cubes now combine professional electricity marketing with the services of the Dresden-based high-tech specialists from NOVUM. On the basis of artificial intelligence, engineers and developers can for the first time look directly into the heart of battery storage systems. This not only allows accurate condition determination of batteries of all types, but also enables the team to prevent failures and optimize storage performance.

“This transparency is an absolute game changer for our customers,” explains Mandy Schipke, Managing Director of NOVUM engineering GmbH. “Depending on age and usage, each individual battery cell behaves differently. Making precise statements about the condition was impossible until recently. Now artificial intelligence is just revolutionizing the industry.”

LEAG energy cubes will market the capacity gained in all suitable products. “By using monitoring and storage marketing in combination, we are creating real economic added value for storage operators,” said Harald Altmann, managing director of energy cubes GmbH.

Through LEAG energy cubes’ customer portal MyCubes, storage operators can transparently view all relevant performance data on monitoring and marketing performance. “As a pre-qualified full-service provider for balancing energy and with the additional marketing option on the intraday market, we create a robust business case for batteries and offer plant operators the chance to benefit optimally from high electricity prices,” Altmann explains.

But there are also numerous advantages for customers of LEAG energy cubes beyond profitability: “Our innovative technology makes it possible to plan battery maintenance intervals and extend battery life by up to 20 percent. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the safety and sustainability of large-scale battery storage systems,” explains Schipke. “Everyone is talking about the energy transition. We are driving it forward together with LEAG energy cubes.”

The first implementation of the software solution took place at a large-scale storage facility of the Upside Group. UPSIDE Group is a partner in the BMSmart project together with TU Dresden, LEAG and NOVUM. The joint project aims to increase the energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness and longevity of large-scale battery storage systems through improved battery monitoring and optimizing string management.

LEAG energy cubes have been networking electricity generators and consumers in virtual power plants since 2019 and offer energy services related to operations management, electricity marketing and green power supply, especially for renewables, storage, hydrogen electrolysers and industrial operations.

NOVUM is a battery start-up from Dresden founded in 2014 and active in the fields of battery condition monitoring, predictive maintenance and charging management.

Upside Group is an association of internationally operating companies with the activity focus on asset sourcing and asset management in the field of battery storage and solar energy as well as planning, construction and operation of these large-scale power plants.

Save the date!

Find out how you can get more out of battery storage systems, for example by visiting the joint LEAG and LEAG energy cubes booth at E‑world energy & water in Essen in Hall 2, Booth 140. On 22.06.2022 our guests can enjoy
from 4 pm with Mandy Schipke (NOVUM) and Harald Altmann (LEAG energy cubes) about solutions for battery optimization!

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Your contact for further information:
Steffen Herrmann, LEAG, Press Spokesman,
Phone 030 8103630 53,


Sina Marie Lattek

Head of Marketing

+49 (0) 351 481 896 72