User interview: Battery storage optimization with NOVUM technology for LEAG energy cubes

Battery storage monitoring and battery storage optimization with the help of artificial intelligence — that sounds exciting and promising at first! But what does NOVUM’s technology do in practice? We asked Lea Ladusch, responsible for Business Development & Marketing at our partner LEAG energy cubes, for her first feedback on the cooperation with NOVUM.

Lea, for many companies, the topic of battery storage monitoring using artificial intelligence (AI) is still new. What is the added value for battery operators?

Through NOVUM, we can offer customers an all-in-one solution for optimized battery monitoring. High-precision battery condition determination (SoC and SoH) leads to an increase in the usable capacity of batteries. As a prequalified full-service provider for balancing energy and with the additional marketing option on the intraday market, we can use this capacity to optimize revenue on the energy markets. Thus, together with NOVUM, we can offer battery operators a robust business case for their storage.

Furthermore, where do the benefits of using artificial intelligence in your customers’ battery storage systems show up?

Using artificial intelligence, we can look directly into the heart of the batteries together with NOVUM. Irregularities, for example during loading and unloading, can be identified promptly, which increases the chance of being able to intervene more proactively. Predictive maintenance ensures predictable maintenance intervals and increased safety of the battery storage system.

What impressed you personally the most?

NOVUM’s battery diagnostics can lead to an extension of battery life by up to 20 percent. This is not only a great step forward from an economic point of view, but also in terms of environmental protection and sustainability.

Which of your partners uses NOVUM technology?

The first implementation took place at a large-scale storage facility of the Upside Group, an association of internationally active companies that are advancing young energy technologies. The Upside Group’s main areas of activity include asset sourcing and asset management in the fields of energy storage and solar energy.

What conclusions do you draw from the BMSmart project that we are conducting together with LEAG Energy Cubes and TU Dresden?

Battery storage serves as a bridge between feed-in and demand — as a reserve, for frequency regulation and for use in energy management and load control. The possible applications are as varied as they are individual. BMSmart creates a platform to share our knowledge and experience in project planning, monitoring and marketing of battery storage systems and to link them in different use cases.

Dear Lea, thank you for your feedback and see you soon!


Melanie Loos

Head of Communications

+49 (0) 351 475 911 50