Wir laden Ihre Batterien mit Weihnachtsplätzchen auf! Tschüss 2024! Hallo Weihnachtszeit! Während die NOVUM-KI weiter die Stellung hält, freuen wir uns auf entspannte Tage mit unseren Lieblingsmenschen, Spaziergänge in der Natur und natürlich jede Menge Schokolade. Damit auch Sie gut gelaunt und voller Energie in die Feiertage starten, hat das Team von NOVUM sich in […]
This was the NOVUM tree planting campaign 2024!

Sustainability project: developers and engineers plant 700 trees Not just talking about sustainability, but living it. — This is what the NOVUM team is committed to. On Friday, March 22, our experts for battery diagnostics and battery storage monitoring switched off their computers to take action against climate change for the third time with a […]
NOVUM tree planting event on March 22, 2024

Get out of the office and into nature! Together with you, we would like to plant 500 trees on Dresden’s Keulenberg and spend an awsome day in the fresh air. Take this great opportunity to get to know the NOVUM team and exciting people from the battery and energy sector. Time and place We will […]
NOVUM wins Saxon Innovation Award! And now?

On July 4, 2023, the NOVUM team received the Saxon Innovation Award, which is endowed with 30,000 euros. The significance of the award for our company and what happens next is reported by NOVUM CEO Mandy Schipke in an interview. Mandy, congratulations once again! Did you yourself expect us to win the Saxon Innovation Award, […]
NOVUM team rides over 1900 kilometers within 3 weeks in city cycling event

With our technology, we are committed to the sustainable use of batteries. But the issue of environmental protection in particular is also close to our personal hearts. We are therefore very pleased that really everyone in our team is also committed to sustainability in their private lives and, for example, comes to work by bicycle […]
futureSAX-InnovationSchool: NOVUM CEO Mandy Schipke advises young founders

As part of the futureSAX-InnovationSchool, young people have the opportunity to develop their own business ideas and benefit from the experience of seasoned entrepreneurs. This year, NOVUM CEO Mandy Schipke was one of the mentors to whom the girls and boys were allowed to ask many questions in an online workshop. — For both sides, […]
NOVUM wins Saxon State Award for Innovation

Wonderful news: NOVUM won the Saxon Innovation Award 2023 on July 4. We thank all those who have accompanied us on this journey and first and foremost our wonderful team!
NOVUM team and friends plant 400 trees on the club mountain

Out of the office, into nature! Freely following this motto, in March the team of NOVUM went for the second time to a tree planting event for employees, project partners and friends. The aim of the event: to do something together for the environment and spend an unforgettable day in nature! No sooner said than […]
#NOVUMKITCHEN — The tastiest way to get to know us

In a climate of mutual appreciation, people can best work together and overcome challenges together. — We at NOVUM are firmly convinced of this! Encounters at eye level within our team but also in contact with our customers are therefore very important to us. And where better to foster personal relationships than over a delicious […]
NEW: Welcome, Nico!

Since October 2022, Nico Büttner supports us as a new sales representative to inspire companies for the NOVUM technology. The industrial engineer has the ideal qualifications for this. After all, as a former lithium-ion battery repair and remanufacturing manager at our friends and partners at JT Energy Systems, Nico also knows the user perspective. “I’m […]